Thursday, April 6, 2017

Garden Updates #8

Yesterday I finished the first layer for the foundation of one of the gardens. It's approximately 10' x 5', and so will the second garden. My advisors and I decided to build two gardens so that we can separate plants based on sunlight needs. This garden receives a lot of shade from the tree, so it will be mainly for garden-variety plants. I built this almost entirely by myself. Dexter and Ariane worked on it for an hour or so on the first day of building, and set it up for me, and then I finished it. Next we need to mortar the cinder blocks together, but neither Ariane nor I know how to, so we are waiting for Dexter to start. The garden will be two cinder blocks high when finished, and once the foundation is built, purchasing and transplanting the plants should be a quick task.


  1. I saw your garden construction progress on sc, and I can't wait to see the finished product!

    1. Thank you so much! I'll be posting a picture of the final product, but there will also be a grand opening at the EEC's Earth Day event on April 22nd, if you're interested in attending. :)
